*ART BOOSTER CLASSES - Boosting your arts practice instantly to the next level!
Unlock the full potential of your artistic expression with *ART BOOSTER CLASSES.
Transform your artistic journey with *ART BOOSTER CLASSES - discover a collection of incredibly effective, guided DIY Workshops and Short Courses, to inspire immediate improvement. Developed by seasoned, Brisbane-based Artist-Educator, Sharmila Nezovic.
Whether you're a novice or a seasoned pro, Sharmila's 'Creative Boost blueprint' method will help to guide you through a diverse choice of Painting and Drawing challenge-exercises, lifted from her over three decades of teaching, mentoring and training experiences, in the tertiary and adult learning, creative arts education sector.

*ART BOOSTER CLASSES help you generate original artworks from the comfort of your own space, at your own pace, from anywhere in the world! Sharmila's motivating open learning-based learning model is specially crafted for flexibility and convenience.

Awaken your inner artist, break patterns that keep you stuck, fall in love with your art (again) guided via this fresh approach to opening up your most creative artistic vision and skills.

  • Online access to Open Learning style, skills-boosting art packages with personalised Tutor support - at no extra cost!
  • Exclusive content - suitable for all skills levels - from complete Beginners to the highly Advanced.
  • *ART BOOSTER CLASSES explore a range of hands-on, inspirational Painting and Drawing challenge-exercises.
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*ART BOOSTER CLASSES will refresh your creativity and get you thoroughly motivated by helping you to:
  • Learn - Gain understanding in effective drawing and painting techniques.
  • Do - Expand & extend your repertoire of art-making skills.
  • Create - Bring your unique vision to life, resulting in your very own "masterpieces".
  • Be - Tap into your inner artist and connect with your innate creativity.

Be proud of your work - advance your art rapidly!

  • Reach out beyond your comfort-zone
  • Discover your own style
  • Build an art folio quickly
  • Gain insights into your own personal way of seeing and depicting
  • Surprise yourself - find out what you're truly capable of!
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  1. Workbook – your accessible, ‘How To’ guiding manual. An eye-opening reference to lead you on a motivational journey covering wider art world context and insightful technical hints, workable processes, how to start and finish your original piece of art plus methods for improved visual communication. Be supported to work your way through the exciting prac. challenges and develop some impressive and unique artworks.
  1. Personal Tutor - additional, one-on-one feedback and support via email, zoom or phone with Sharmila, directly – to assist with completing each session’s practical challenge.
  1. Simple Materials List - art supplies checklist for purchasing separately.
  1. Certificate of Participation – issued to participants on completion of each Workbook.
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Introductory Workshops x 3 $90 AUD $60 AUD*Approximately 2-hours total (per workshop)


Drawing On Insight

- how to improve your drawings!

How to depict 3-dimensionality and test your visual perception with practical textural challenges, using felt-tip pens.

Unleash your artistic drawing potential. Be guided on how to tap into your intuitive abilities to create captivating renditions. Discover how embracing your innate visual perception can elevate your artwork to new heights.
Learn to See Differently: Say goodbye to stifling outlines and hello to a world of substance and depth.
This *ART BOOSTER CLASSES package contains easy-to-follow, practical explorations using black & white, that will revolutionise your artistic journey. Prepare for a huge eye-opening experience as you uncover the transformative effects.


In Your Face

- colour drawing with a twist!

Create a layered portrait with emotional depth using soft pastels. Delve beyond the surface to depict the story inside a face.

What are the colours that represent the real you? Draw a dazzling, yet personalised picture, full of passion and energy. See how colours can be transforming and how they influence moods. An opportunity to be bold with colour. Be encouraged to let go with your imagination and get thoroughly creative with this nonlinear approach. Walk in the steps of the modern masters and produce a surprising work of art in 'soft pastels'.


Action Stations

- enrich your paintings with mixed media.

Explore the use of mixed media in addition to paint, to enhance your compositions.

Step into a world where your paintings transcend traditional boundaries, enriched through the spontaneous exploration of mixed media.
Combine conventional brushwork with a treasure-trove of tools – from combs and sponges, to paper, card, sand and string! Discover what special effects emerge to enhance the textural qualities and enrich the patterns within a painting's surface. Add energy & dynamism to your works. Understand how to apply & move paint around more interestingly. Be guided to design a more deliberate, personally expressive approach to your art & creativity.

Short Courses x 3 $540 AUD $360 AUD*Approximately 12-hours total (6 x 2-hour sessions per course)


Experimental Drawing

- skills AND perception adventure.

Radicalise how you see - in lead pencil, charcoal and ink - culminating in spontaneous calligraphy inspired brushwork.

Come take a truly exhilarating journey into perceiving outside of the box and celebrate getting thoroughly creative with your black & white drawing.
With a lively experience that triggers right-brain activity, your drawing sensitivity will improve with skill, strength and vision, instantly!
Unlike traditional drawing classes, we focus on unconventional, yet proven methods that will ignite your imagination and push boundaries.
To eliminate fuss, we explore a variety of ‘black & white’ media only, to help realise core drawing principles and give your works an immediate nudge towards greatness!


Dive Into Colour

- fab explorations with colourful ‘Soft Pastels’.

Learn how to use soft pastels across 6 dynamic sessions, with challenges ranging from free form sketching to restrictive palette exercises, working towards a multicolour extravaganza.

Find yourself through this inspirational course that uncovers how to use ‘soft pastels’ effectively to expand your drawing abilities.
Unlock how to think in colour. Understand your own colour-perception & how to manage depicting the unexpected - for stunning results!
Learn how to wield this stimulating collection of ideas and processes to increase the excitement and scope of your drawings. (A totally different experience to drawing in black & white!)
This is also a great step towards learning how to paint in colour - without all that added wetness and expense.
Lots of creative fun, guaranteed!


Amazing Abstract Painting

- get fearless with paint.

Take 6 sessions to develop your own composition using basic elements of design theory, to create a contemporary abstract masterpiece full of personal expression and emotion.

Each session explores a truly stimulating approach to creativity and transforms your personal vision into paint.
Abstract from your world. Paint without all the pressure of having to make the image look ‘real’ - while still looking really good!
Learn how to incorporate underlying artistic fundamentals, such as colour, pattern, structure, rhythm and balance.
Build up your understanding of compositional design and how to manifest a personal interpretation of any subject-matter.
This course will help to ground your painting skills generally (so that even realistic artworks will gain from the experience)!
All you need is a sense of adventure.


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  • If you have any questions or would like to enroll, please get in touch via the Contact page.
  • * Concession Discounts are available.
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